Archive for September 29th, 2009|Daily archive page

Current strip – 9/29/09

Wheel of hilarity, turn turn turn…


Hey everybody, today’s real strip is a great lesson about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which is pretty cool. You really should check it out because it’s funny AND educational AND touching, in the way only Dinosaur Comics can be. It’s too bad the entire theory breaks down once you consider the presence of trains, though!

1208 + 1152


Does this imply that T-Rex has been disappointed by past friends who only fake being alcoholics to look cool? Or is T-Rex himself a fake alcoholic, who can only aspire to be a real alcoholic like Ted? I really don’t know, guys – I report, you decide!

566 + 782


362 + 610


1562 + 680


I know, pretty hot, right?

1434 + 1188


1329 + 1037


T-Rex Plus T-Rex

Context is nothing.

Dinosaur Comics is pretty rad, right? As is Garfield Minus Garfield, amiright?

I’ve written a little script to randomly combine the first two panels from Ryan North’s awesome comic. Sometimes, the results are humorous. When I believe that to be the case, I put them here. So – enjoy!